9月1-4日                9月8-11日                 9月15-18日                  9月22-25日               9月29日-10月8日                       10月13-16日

中山博览中心            惠州会展中心           阳江国际会展中心           东莞南城体育馆          佛山陈村世界展览中心             广东珠西国际会展中心

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展会介绍 / Exhibition Information



The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) pointed out that efforts should be made to expand the domestic demand, enhance the basic role of consumption in economic development and the key role of investment in optimizing the supply-side structure.

In December, 2022, Outline of Strategy Plan for Expanding Domestic Demand was issued by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council. The 2023 Report on the Work of the Government has made specific deployment on focusing on expanding domestic demand and stated that restoring and expanding consumption should be given priority. The Chinese government will spare no effort in expanding domestic demand and promote the steady and long-term development of the Chinese economy along the path of high-quality development.

展会优势 / Exhibition Advantages

(1)Large Market Consumption Demand in Third and Fourth-tier Cities

In the recent years urban development , third and fourth-tier cities have advantages. People in these areas have strong consumption power and consumption demand.

(2)Channel Subsidence Helps to Open Up the Terminal Market

For the import and export trade products industry, prefecture-level cities and sinking markets have huge consumption potential. The exhibition can effectively activate the consumption market of import and export commodities, create a space for face-to-face communication with the terminal market, and help import and export enterprises to develop new customers.

(3)Accurate and High-quality Big Data

Relying on more than 300,000 precise big data direct invitation, at the same time, the government agencies, media group, all kinds of business association invite customers. Mainstream media publicity also attract the local audience merchants effectively as well.

(4)Multi-convergence Media Matrix

With the mainstream media such as TV stations, newspapers and Headlines, Tiktok, Kuai APP, Baidu and other new media platforms, horizontal and deep publicity and a powerful media matrix spread the exhibition related news and exhibition situation to a wider range of users area and eventually enhance the exhibition communication power, credibility, influence and guiding force.

同期活动 / Exhibition Activities

1.Photo Zones

The Photo Zones will be made up of groups of standing cutouts that are in the shape of some well-known national landmarks, feature local food or other characteristic items. With these Photo Zones, visitors may be attracted and passers-by will stop to watch, to take photos, or even start to focus on the goods at the booth.The PHOTO ZONES not only can increase the sense of experience of the visitors, but also promote the publicity and boost the exhibition attendance effectively.

Outdoors Advertisement

We will have elevator advertising, banner advertising, community advertising, etc.

2.Multi-culture Show

The Multi-culture Show consists of dances that show the distinctive culture of different countries and regions. It'll invite dancers wearing the ethnic finery to dance in different countries and regions booths. The Multi-culture Show can provide the audiences with an immersive experience of multi- cultural environment.

展品范围 / Products on display
展会宣传 / Exhibition publicity

3.Interactive Games

The exhibition specially set up interactive game areas for the audience, such as dice rolling, wheel of fortune, red envelope wall, etc.,and provide arrival gifts, consumption gifts and interactive gifts, etc., which can enrich the interactive experience of the exhibition, promote the transformation of consumption.

Mainstream Media&Online New Media Platform

TV, Radio, Newspaper, Tencent, NewEase, SINA, SOHU, Headlines, Tiktok, Kuai APP, Baidu, WeChat Official Account, Weibo, Tencent News, etc.

联系方式 / Contact Information

组织机构  Organizing Committee 

广东进出口商会  Guangdong Chamber of Commerce of Importers & Exporters

展览咨询  Exhibition Consultation

Mr.Wu 139 2213 1810 (Wechat Account)

Miss.Lee 137 5173 6199 (Wechat Account)

项目咨询  Project Consultation

Mr.Gao 139 2421 9191 (Wechat Account)

联系电话 Consultation 

Tel.  020-87337201/87337293
